The popularity of weight loss procedures involving colon cleansing is increasing. More and more of us are gaining more awareness regarding our exposure to varying toxins each day. There are just plenty of things that can impact our healthy lifestyle negatively. There is also an increasing number of diseases getting known each day. Thus, we should begin finding various ways to lessen our exposure to toxins and to handle our health habits so that we can garner a positively healthy result. Examine the typical American diet: it contains plenty of processed and refined foods that have plenty of additives and preservatives. We often eat fast foods, most of which are fatty foods and sugar-rich foods. Everywhere, toxins abound. Our harvested fruits and vegetables often contain chemicals, esp. pesticides. Our meat products are artificially treated with antibiotics and hormones. We have air and water pollution. And so on.
The human body is well constructed to cleanse and detoxify itself. But there is a limit to how the human body can cleanse itself, depending on the conditions it faces. By eating food that is deficient in fiber and nutrients, the digestive and excretory powers of the body diminish. If food does not move out of the body properly, the food will stay in the stomach for too long. There fermentation and spoilage will occur. And the longer that takes place in the intestines, the more the produced wastes will return to the bloodstream. Thus doing a sort of colon cleanse regimen is a good way to take care of the body.
\"cleanse For Weight Loss\"
Here are some methods regarding how to use colon cleanse while losing weight:
Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss: Comprehensive Advice
There are methods that involve liquids only. One such method is simple, but is a bit difficult. The method is fasting with water only so that the body will be cleansed. That means that you are going to take in water only for your fasting. No food at all and no other liquids. Some are reported to fast this way even up to fourteen days, or even more. This method has not given me plenty of results.
What is good about it is its simplicity. You also won't spend much for this. And you'll surely lose weight.
What is bad about it, however, is that your metabolic rate will plunge, and you may get hypoglycemia. That is an issue especially if you are a high-carbohydrate diet before doing water fasting. The detoxification may be unpleasant, and in some cases might lead you to the clinic. Many people wouldn't attempt water fasting, or even think about trying it. Water fasting also causes the stoppage of bowel movement. Water fasting causes the breaking down of bodily toxins in the bloodstream and their elimination through the colon. To remove the toxins, you will need an enema. Also, after water fasting, you'll have to gradually accustom your body to solid foods. You can find some centers where you can get support for water fasting; they will take note of your blood sugar and will also offer guidance while you are water fasting. I think that water fasting is the most difficult colon cleanse method for losing weight.
There is also another colon cleanse method using only liquids; it is a diet involving lemon juice and maple syrup. Also referred to as Master Cleanse, this diet was devised by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. The formula for Master Cleanse is water, lemon juice from freshly squeezed lemons, grade-B maple syrup, and cayenne. Remember that the maple syrup you should use is genuine maple syrup, not the ones found in pancake mixes. The salt to be used in this diet must be pure salt from the ocean, not commercially produced iodized salt. The salt water will be used to flush the colon and generate bowel movement. You can induce bowel movement also by using an herbal laxative. Lemons are believed to increase the body's alkali levels. Cayenne improves blood circulation. Maple syrup provides the body with minerals and stabilizes blood sugar. You should be careful regarding weaning yourself off the diet. Immediately after using this colon cleanse method, don't eat food like steak for dinner. You must let the body take in food gradually. Begin with light liquid broths. This colon cleanse method should last for 10 to 30 days; do some research regarding this diet to know that you are doing this right.
Juice fasting is another method to lose weight through colon cleanse. This is similar to water fasting, but this is safer and more tolerable. You have to plan for this diet, though. You should buy fresh fruits and vegetables and then extract the juice out, so you have to take time to do this. You have to plan your recipes, shop for the goods, clean the fruits and vegetables, chop them, extract the juice, and then clean the juicer you used. You can also try extracting a large amount of juice first to save time while under this colon cleanse program. If you have plenty of fresh juice, you have to store them in an airtight receptacle for one day. Also, by buying ingredients early, you don't have to worry about the tempting sights and smells coming from the bakery and from the candy stalls. If you want variety, you can use any combination of fruits and vegetables you want for your juice. Although you will utilize mainly fruits, you can also put some vegetable juices in from cucumbers, carrots, celery, and from other vegetables. You can also include nutrient-packed produce such as wheat grass, which I believe has plenty of uses for this colon cleanse program. You can also include spices with your juice. That is why preparing this colon cleanse program for losing weight can get exciting - from preparation to the diet itself. I prefer watermelon, my favorite, for this program. This program gives nutrients to your body and helps regulate normal blood sugar - something that water fast cannot do. However, you still have to induce bowel movement to wash away bodily toxins.
Using herbal formulas is another way to accomplish colon cleanse for weight loss. There are many different formulas out there. The fiber and herb mixture aids in loosening up the feces that have gathered in the colon and then push them out from the body. Some herbal formulas for colon cleanse to achieve weight loss need a special diet; others require you to simply take in the product. There are also long programs in which there is a detailed schedule to follow every day for cleansing. Remember, however, to drink plenty of glasses of pure water while you are on this regimen. There are herbal formulas whose fiber includes husks of psyllium to aid in absorbing toxins and debris and then excreting them. The size of psyllium increases many times if it is in contact with liquid. I know of someone who got an intestinal problem because of drinking an improper amount of liquid while taking too plenty of psyllium. That is why it is important to read the labels on herbal formulas and then remember the instructions very well.
There are colon cleanse programs for losing weight that are more holistic. For instance, there are formulas that contain anti-parasite products or probiotics that help restore the natural intestinal flora, which includes good bacteria. There are colon cleanse formulas that are gluten-free and formulas that do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Such colon cleanse merchandise is sold as tea, powder, capsules, or tablets. Between Colon Cleanse Tablets and colon cleanse capsules, you should generally choose capsules, because they dissolve more efficiently and get absorbed faster than tablets.
A colon cleanse program for weight loss can also come as a series. There are institutions that offer colon cleanse methods like colon irrigation (also known as colonic hydrotherapy). The process involves flushing the bowel with water with a carefully regulated temperature to directly flush out the waste. The method is safe, simple, and effective, although it can get a bit awkward. A session takes forty to fifty minutes; you may have to return for several sessions. The typical cost (at least in my locality) is a session, although if you purchase plenty of sessions at once, you may get a discount. If you want to do this for free, settle for a home enema. You just need some clean water inside an enema bag. Ensure that the water you use is warm - not so hot, but not so cold. You can use the colon cleanse enema for weight loss in conjunction with the other methods mentioned, like your herbal formula or your special cleansing diet.
There are also risks associated with colon cleanse methods for weight loss. Before proceeding with a colon cleanse procedure or program, you should ask your doctor regarding these risks. Inform your doctor about ongoing medical conditions that can factor in the safety of the colon cleanse program. Inform also your doctor regarding the medicines and supplements you are taking, for they may affect the effectiveness of your colon cleanse procedure.
Doing colon cleanse methods for weight loss can induce a feeling that your body is feeling cleansed. How will you know? The reactions to your cleansing depend on your physical condition and the toxicity of the toxins being cleansed out. Such reactions may include fatigue, headache, rashes, sweating, and some symptoms indicative of flu. Thus, you should not engage in strenuous activity. While under colon cleanse, better rest well.
Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss: Comprehensive Advice
Learn more about the benefits of Colon Cleanse Tablets.